​Thank you
Whilst these stories unfolded throughout my life, I have grown through the wisdom of many spiritual teachers (lay and clergy) who have held the Word in its right position and personally applied it to their lives. I have also grown through the love of my wider family and friends who have enriched my life, for where there is love, God is there also. The production of this blog is a credit to these relationships, encouragement and influence over the years. Specific to this project, there are some family and friends who have assisted practically. Noelene, Vicki, Kate, Edie and Reeda, thank you, I certainly could not have done this without you.
About the Writer
​Father God miraculously saved my life when I was twenty-five years old, meeting me where I was at, before I entered a church or opened a bible (see future post, Homeless to Holy). Despite being agnostic, I immediately knew I had encountered the sovereign God of all creation, but I did not recognize Him as a god associated with organized religion. This soul deep experience of God was the beginning of my wholehearted, committed relationship with the living God, which then launched me on a journey to discover His true identity.
My collection of memoirs recount my life with the living God of Love, illustrating times of adventure, the supernatural, love, revelation, forbearance, obedience, healing and discipline. These stories are my own personal experiences, shared to show the reliability and currency of the Christian Bible as a life guide from our Creator. Most names including my own and some locations have been changed for privacy, but otherwise these stories are accurate accounts. World English Bible is the bible translation quoted throughout this blog.
God remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Whilst His character is consistent, He loves and leads us as uniquely as He has designed and formed us. I encourage others to always seek to follow God first, and to live among His followers second. Fellowship with other believers is vital for growth as there we find God, love, wisdom, spiritual safety, discipleship, blessing, and ministry opportunities to grow, and exercise spiritual gifts. But always discern the Triune God - Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit - as first love and lead (see, This is Church).
God’s Word
Psalm 119:103 How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103
1 John 1:3 …that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us. Yes, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ.